Source code for pip_shims.utils

# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-
Shared utility functions which are not specific to any particular module.
from __future__ import absolute_import

import contextlib
import copy
import inspect
import sys
from import Callable
from functools import wraps

from packaging.version import _BaseVersion, parse

from .environment import MYPY_RUNNING

    from types import ModuleType
    from typing import (

    TShimmedPath = TypeVar("TShimmedPath")
    TShimmedPathCollection = TypeVar("TShimmedPathCollection")
    TShim = Union[TShimmedPath, TShimmedPathCollection]
    TShimmedFunc = Union[TShimmedPath, TShimmedPathCollection, Callable, Type]

if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
    STRING_TYPES = STRING_TYPES + (unicode,)  # noqa:F821

[docs]class BaseMethod(Callable): def __init__(self, func_base, name, *args, **kwargs): # type: (Callable, str, Any, Any) -> None self.func = func_base self.__name__ = self.__qualname__ = name def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): # type: (Any, Any) -> Any return self.func(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class BaseClassMethod(Callable): def __init__(self, func_base, name, *args, **kwargs): # type: (Callable, str, Any, Any) -> None self.func = func_base self.__name__ = self.__qualname__ = name def __call__(self, cls, *args, **kwargs): # type: (Type, Any, Any) -> Any return self.func(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def make_method(fn): # type: (Callable) -> Callable @wraps(fn) def method_creator(*args, **kwargs): # type: (Any, Any) -> Callable return BaseMethod(fn, *args, **kwargs) return method_creator
[docs]def make_classmethod(fn): # type: (Callable) -> Callable @wraps(fn) def classmethod_creator(*args, **kwargs): # type: (Any, Any) -> Callable return classmethod(BaseClassMethod(fn, *args, **kwargs)) return classmethod_creator
[docs]def memoize(obj): # type: (Any) -> Callable cache = obj.cache = {} @wraps(obj) def memoizer(*args, **kwargs): key = str(args) + str(kwargs) if key not in cache: cache[key] = obj(*args, **kwargs) return cache[key] return memoizer
[docs]@memoize def _parse(version): # type: (str) -> Tuple[int, ...] if isinstance(version, STRING_TYPES): return tuple(int(i) for i in version.split(".")) return version
[docs]@memoize def parse_version(version): # type: (str) -> _BaseVersion if not isinstance(version, STRING_TYPES): raise TypeError("Can only derive versions from string, got {!r}".format(version)) return parse(version)
[docs]@memoize def split_package(module, subimport=None): # type: (str, Optional[str]) -> Tuple[str, str] """ Used to determine what target to import. Either splits off the final segment or uses the provided sub-import to return a 2-tuple of the import path and the target module or sub-path. :param str module: A package to import from :param Optional[str] subimport: A class, function, or subpackage to import :return: A 2-tuple of the corresponding import package and sub-import path :rtype: Tuple[str, str] :Example: >>> from pip_shims.utils import split_package >>> split_package("pip._internal.req.req_install", subimport="InstallRequirement") ("pip._internal.req.req_install", "InstallRequirement") >>> split_package("pip._internal.cli.base_command") ("pip._internal.cli", "base_command") """ package = None if subimport: package = subimport else: module, _, package = module.rpartition(".") return module, package
[docs]def get_method_args(target_method): # type: (Callable) -> Tuple[Callable, Optional[inspect.Arguments]] """ Returns the arguments for a callable. :param Callable target_method: A callable to retrieve arguments for :return: A 2-tuple of the original callable and its resulting arguments :rtype: Tuple[Callable, Optional[inspect.Arguments]] """ inspected_args = None try: inspected_args = inspect.getargs(target_method.__code__) except AttributeError: target_func = getattr(target_method, "__func__", None) if target_func is not None: inspected_args = inspect.getargs(target_func.__code__) else: target_func = target_method return target_func, inspected_args
[docs]def set_default_kwargs(basecls, method, *args, **default_kwargs): # type: (Union[Type, ModuleType], Callable, Any, Any) -> Union[Type, ModuleType] # noqa target_method = getattr(basecls, method, None) if target_method is None: return basecls target_func, inspected_args = get_method_args(target_method) if inspected_args is not None: pos_args = inspected_args.args else: pos_args = [] # Spit back the base class if we can't find matching arguments # to put defaults in place of if not any(arg in pos_args for arg in list(default_kwargs.keys())): return basecls prepended_defaults = tuple() # type: Tuple[Any, ...] # iterate from the function's argument order to make sure we fill this # out in the correct order for arg in args: prepended_defaults += (arg,) for arg in pos_args: if arg in default_kwargs: prepended_defaults = prepended_defaults + (default_kwargs[arg],) if not prepended_defaults: return basecls new_defaults = prepended_defaults + target_method.__defaults__ target_method.__defaults__ = new_defaults setattr(basecls, method, target_method) return basecls
[docs]def ensure_function(parent, funcname, func): # type: (Union[ModuleType, Type, Callable, Any], str, Callable) -> Callable """Given a module, a function name, and a function object, attaches the given function to the module and ensures it is named properly according to the provided argument :param Any parent: The parent to attack the function to :param str funcname: The name to give the function :param Callable func: The function to rename and attach to **parent** :returns: The function with its name, qualname, etc set to mirror **parent** :rtype: Callable """ qualname = funcname if parent is None: parent = __module__ # type: ignore # noqa:F821 parent_is_module = inspect.ismodule(parent) parent_is_class = inspect.isclass(parent) module = None if parent_is_module: module = parent.__name__ elif parent_is_class: qualname = "{}.{}".format(parent.__name__, qualname) module = getattr(parent, "__module__", None) else: module = getattr(parent, "__module__", None) try: func.__name__ = funcname except AttributeError: if getattr(func, "__func__", None) is not None: func = func.__func__ func.__name__ = funcname func.__qualname__ = qualname func.__module__ = module return func
[docs]def add_mixin_to_class(basecls, mixins): # type: (Type, List[Type]) -> Type """ Given a class, adds the provided mixin classes as base classes and gives a new class :param Type basecls: An initial class to generate a new class from :param List[Type] mixins: A list of mixins to add as base classes :return: A new class with the provided mixins as base classes :rtype: Type[basecls, *mixins] """ if not any(mixins): return basecls base_dict = basecls.__dict__.copy() class_tuple = (basecls,) # type: Tuple[Type, ...] for mixin in mixins: if not mixin: continue mixin_dict = mixin.__dict__.copy() base_dict.update(mixin_dict) class_tuple = class_tuple + (mixin,) base_dict.update(basecls.__dict__) return type(basecls.__name__, class_tuple, base_dict)
[docs]def fallback_is_file_url(link): # type: (Any) -> bool return link.url.lower().startswith("file:")
[docs]def fallback_is_artifact(self): # type: (Any) -> bool return not getattr(self, "is_vcs", False)
[docs]def fallback_is_vcs(self): # type: (Any) -> bool return not getattr(self, "is_artifact", True)
[docs]def resolve_possible_shim(target): # type: (TShimmedFunc) -> Optional[Union[Type, Callable]] if target is None: return target if getattr(target, "shim", None): return target.shim() return target
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def nullcontext(*args, **kwargs): # type: (Any, Any) -> Iterator try: yield finally: pass
[docs]def has_property(target, name): # type: (Any, str) -> bool if getattr(target, name, None) is not None: return True return False
[docs]def apply_alias(imported, target, *aliases): # type: (Union[ModuleType, Type, None], Any, Any) -> Any """ Given a target with attributes, point non-existant aliases at the first existing one :param Union[ModuleType, Type] imported: A Module or Class base :param Any target: The target which is a member of **imported** and will have aliases :param str aliases: A list of aliases, the first found attribute will be the basis for all non-existant names which will be created as pointers :return: The original target :rtype: Any """ base_value = None # type: Optional[Any] applied_aliases = set() unapplied_aliases = set() for alias in aliases: if has_property(target, alias): base_value = getattr(target, alias) applied_aliases.add(alias) else: unapplied_aliases.add(alias) is_callable = inspect.ismethod(base_value) or inspect.isfunction(base_value) for alias in unapplied_aliases: if is_callable: func_copy = copy.deepcopy(base_value) alias_value = ensure_function(imported, alias, func_copy) else: alias_value = base_value setattr(target, alias, alias_value) return target
[docs]def suppress_setattr(obj, attr, value, filter_none=False): """ Set an attribute, suppressing any exceptions and skipping the attempt on failure. :param Any obj: Object to set the attribute on :param str attr: The attribute name to set :param Any value: The value to set the attribute to :param bool filter_none: [description], defaults to False :return: Nothing :rtype: None :Example: >>> class MyClass(object): ... def __init__(self, name): ... = name ... self.parent = None ... def __repr__(self): ... return "<{0!r} instance (name={1!r}, parent={2!r})>".format( ... self.__class__.__name__,, self.parent ... ) ... def __str__(self): ... return >>> me = MyClass("Dan") >>> dad = MyClass("John") >>> grandfather = MyClass("Joe") >>> suppress_setattr(dad, "parent", grandfather) >>> dad <'MyClass' instance (name='John', parent=<'MyClass' instance (name='Joe', parent=None )>)> >>> suppress_setattr(me, "parent", dad) >>> me <'MyClass' instance (name='Dan', parent=<'MyClass' instance (name='John', parent=<'My Class' instance (name='Joe', parent=None)>)>)> >>> suppress_setattr(me, "grandparent", grandfather) >>> me <'MyClass' instance (name='Dan', parent=<'MyClass' instance (name='John', parent=<'My Class' instance (name='Joe', parent=None)>)>)> """ if filter_none and value is None: pass try: setattr(obj, attr, value) except Exception: # noqa pass
[docs]def get_allowed_args(fn_or_class): # type: (Union[Callable, Type]) -> Tuple[List[str], Dict[str, Any]] """ Given a callable or a class, returns the arguments and default kwargs passed in. :param Union[Callable, Type] fn_or_class: A function, method or class to inspect. :return: A 2-tuple with a list of arguments and a dictionary of keywords mapped to default values. :rtype: Tuple[List[str], Dict[str, Any]] """ try: signature = inspect.signature(fn_or_class) except AttributeError: import funcsigs signature = funcsigs.signature(fn_or_class) args = [] kwargs = {} for arg, param in signature.parameters.items(): if ( param.kind in (param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, param.POSITIONAL_ONLY) ) and param.default is param.empty: args.append(arg) else: kwargs[arg] = param.default if param.default is not param.empty else None return args, kwargs
[docs]def call_function_with_correct_args(fn, **provided_kwargs): # type: (Callable, Dict[str, Any]) -> Any """ Determines which arguments from **provided_kwargs** to call **fn** and calls it. Consumes a list of allowed arguments (e.g. from :func:`~inspect.getargs()`) and uses it to determine which of the arguments in the provided kwargs should be passed through to the given callable. :param Callable fn: A callable which has some dynamic arguments :param List[str] allowed_args: A list of allowed arguments which can be passed to the supplied function :return: The result of calling the function :rtype: Any """ # signature = inspect.signature(fn) args = [] kwargs = {} func_args, func_kwargs = get_allowed_args(fn) for arg in func_args: args.append(provided_kwargs[arg]) for arg in func_kwargs: if not provided_kwargs.get(arg): continue kwargs[arg] = provided_kwargs[arg] return fn(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def filter_allowed_args(fn, **provided_kwargs): # type: (Callable, Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[List[Any], Dict[str, Any]] """ Given a function and a kwarg mapping, return only those kwargs used in the function. :param Callable fn: A function to inspect :param Dict[str, Any] kwargs: A mapping of kwargs to filter :return: A new, filtered kwarg mapping :rtype: Tuple[List[Any], Dict[str, Any]] """ args = [] kwargs = {} func_args, func_kwargs = get_allowed_args(fn) for arg in func_args: if arg in provided_kwargs: args.append(provided_kwargs[arg]) for arg in func_kwargs: if arg not in provided_kwargs: continue kwargs[arg] = provided_kwargs[arg] return args, kwargs